Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas and crochet ^-^;

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is going to have a Happy New Year :P I spent my Christmas with my family and after some egg nog and a few too many chocolates I'm back to my crocheting.

I haven't posted much in a while for the sake of keeping some of my Christmas presents a secret. Now that they've been shipped out I can go back to postin' ... yes... However that would require pictures and I neglected to take very many of the creations I shipped out :P a heh... Well I can tell you about a few of the awesome books I got my hands on this Christmas...:

Creepy Cute Crochet

Christen Haden

I made a few elder gods and sent them on their merry way in the form of key chains :P

I also broke down and finally bought

Amigurumi! Super Happy Crochet Cute Pattern Book

Amigurumi!: Super Happy Crochet Cute by Elisabeth Doherty

I'd been avoiding this book for a while as I'm not the hugest fan of her style (I dunno, something about the extra long arms and legs *L* I tend to like big heads and stubby lil' appendages LOL). It is, however, a good amigurumi book. She describes a lot of techniques well with a touch of humor. I don't like the way some of the patterns are written though. She makes me do math... I hate math LOL

My husband is great, I <3 him so much, he bought me some clover ergonomic crochet hooks for my birthday and gave me a $50 gift card to my fave craft store. I splurged to say the least... I'm fully stocked now... well for at least a month or two :P

So yeah... I was going to play some World of Warcraft and take a break from crochet but I think I want to work on some more dolls.... yus.... perhaps I'll just have a sprinkling of WoW... perhaps. :P I pay for the damn game I should at least play it once in a blue moon.

Alright, I'll stop babblin' and post more stuff soon... I uh... promise? :P

Monday, October 6, 2008

Crochet elephant and Ipod nano 3 case :)

So over the summer we went on a trip down to Washington to visit the in laws. I decided I was going to need something to do so I caved a bought an ipod. I picked out a green ipod nano 3 (whatever that means) and when I got it home and examined the shiny, flimsy looking, exterior I decided that it could not float around in my purse without some sort of protection. Out came the crochet needle and some of my fave yarn (cotton ease by lion brand) and presto, a decent ipod case if I do say so myself :P I also made one using organic wool I bought at a farmers market down there, it looks a bit better but I found the wool scratched the metal surface on the back of my ipod so I set it aside.

More recently I've been sick ><; sick enough that I've spent the last few days half comatose o.x' I did, however, manage to make myself a baby elephant amigurumi :) it's white, I know, and the picture is horrible but it really is cute. I only made it white because I love the lion brand felting wool and I wanted to make something with it. You know sometimes you just have to indulge in the more expensive stuff just cause it feels so good to work with. ^-^

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wow Summer was unproductive :P

So I've decided my excuse for letting the crochet habit fall to the wayside this summer is that it was too darn hot :P But now that the season is turning and the leaves are falling I'm picking up that crochet needle once more to create more tiny cuteness ^-^

So far this week I've made 2 jellyfish, 2 mushrooms, 2 cappucino cups, a hippo and a koala o.O

I have a few pictures (above) ain't they cute? :P

The mushroom, the jelly fish, and the cup of coffee are all designed by Ana Paula and the koala and hippo are both from

Tiny Yarn Animals

Amigurumi Friends to Make and Enjoy

by: Tamie Snow

I just picked this book up from chapters :) It has lots of really cute patterns. I want to try the lemur next :)

I also picked up a whole whack of Japanese books on etsy along with 23 skeins of antibacterial yarn *woot* I'm gonna have tawashi pouring out of every window in my house :) Yay christmas presents ^-^

I'll take pictures of my swag and post it all here as I get it :) *so excited*

Oh I almost forgot I finally joined http://www.ravelry.com/ it's an awesome resource with lots of like minded people, if you haven't already check it out :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I still exist!!

So yeah, been busy to say the least. :) I have a picture of one of my hello kitty dolls. yay! I have two japanese hello kitty pattern books now :) I also ordered a hamtaru one and a purse and accessories book :P I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicQ4PeP8zvarmkgAkFryfkIWxaM4oNY_gXCCcf-_tOMCO_yVWvblMRJnBBJre6qrEbFB-NSFBcjvAvHICsl5yn6cuMD8aJp2p4zZqzgzQWTo2LK8JSPNrIEQGxB1pD_oyVsDsR3O9AIhM/s1600-h/hellokitty1.jpg">

Monday, April 28, 2008

cuteness abound!

Alright, so here is the fish and the happy poo I made :P cute huh? I'm still working on that hello kitty doll, it's pretty big and the dress is complicated O.x;

Oh I ordered a hamtaro japanese craft book because my family has a new member :)

DIEGO! Isn't he cute! He's so fat! I heart him!

So yeah now I need to make a cute hammy :P

Friday, April 25, 2008

Been a while :P

Sorry I don't have more pictures to put up right now. I've made a fishy, some happy poo, and I'm working on a hello kitty doll but I've been busy and I'm too tired to put up pictures right now :P

So yeah, I purchased some 'translated' hello kitty patterns. They're pretty bad ><; but with a lot of work I'm slowly deciphering them. I think I'd be better off just getting the japanese versions and translating them myself. I know how to read hirigana and katakana so I should be able to use and internet translator for the words I don't know O.o right? Meh *L* Ne-who....

I got a hamster for my son, his name is diego! So I think I'm gonna make a cute hamster once I'm done with hello kitty :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yoda Amigurumi

Yes.. Yoda... I've seen a few amigurumi yodas floating around and thought 'meh not cute enough' :P sooooo I fixed that *L* Yay yoda! Love him!! *L* I'm gonna work on some more original patterns over the next few weeks and put a few up for sale/free. Yus.

Amigurumi rabbit/cat :)

So I decided I wanted to make one of the cute patterns I purchased from Ana Paula's etsy store. I ended up making the bunny in her PJ's but instead of pink pj's I decided I wanted to put her in a kitty costume :P Yes... a bunny dressed up as a kitty ^-^ Turned out very cute but I hated the black yarn I used to make her ><; It was all falling-aparty and annoying, very difficult to work with. I originally bought it because it was really soft and shiny, it is but I hated working with it ><; So I used it all up with this project, and now that it's done I really want to work with my nice wool :)

So yeah... Now I dunno what to make O.o maybe some slippers for my husband.... with happy faces! O.O and eyes! *L*

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Crochet Wicket :P Yay Ewoks

So my husband saw the Star Wars amigurumi and begged me to try and make wicket. The pattern I followed was not very well written so it was made with a lot of guess work *L* and I didn't have the patience to crochet his hood, I just made it out of felt and some embroidery floss :)

All in all I think he turned out pretty good :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Amigurumi teddy :)

So I decided I needed a teddy. So I made one without a pattern just off the top of my head. Lookit how cute he turned out! This is Theodore the polar bear :P I'm gonna work on typing up the pattern for him too :) For now just bask in the cuteness *L*

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Amigurumi apple O.o;;

Yay apple! My first amigurumi made completely without touching any set of instructions :) simple but cuuuute! Lookit him smile mischievously... I had to make a granny smith apple because they're my fave :P *L*

So yeah, I'll write up a pattern for mr.apple here when I get the time/gumption to do so :P but I promise it is coming to a computer screen near you... eventually *L*

I'd also like to remind anyone who might read this that I am more than happy to take suggestions on what I should make next O.o I need ideas o.O

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Amigurumi bunny :)

A hoy hoy. So Friday I was thinking about what I wanted to make next. I decided I wasn't going to use a pattern, just the techniques I've learned from my previous lil' crochet dudes. I ended up with this bunny :) I like the dress, I made a purse for her too but I can't find it right now, I'm sure my son hid it somewhere x.x;

I finished her yesterday and I'm really happy with how she looks :) so cute! Now I wanna make a happy apple... I dunno why... I just do O.o; *L*

Friday, March 28, 2008

Amigurumi duck and platypus :)+

So I've had a really awesome response to this amigurumi stuff :P Just makes me want to make more :) So... I did *L*

My husband asked me to make a platypus, so I made one ^-^ I also made a duckie, so cute ^^! Once again I used patterns created by Ana for reference but the platypus was engineered by moi with a ducky as inspiration :P

More pictures:

Monday, March 24, 2008

Amigurumi turtle and koala :)

Well I spent today with crochet hook in hand, as seems to be the norm for me lately *L* Ne-who I finished two more friends ^-^ yay

First I decided I wanted some colors other than blue in my collection so I made a turtle :P yay turtle. Once again I used a pattern I purchased from Ana Paula's etsy site ^-^ They're just so cute I can't resist. I had a little trouble getting the head/neck to look the way I wanted and ended up macguyvering a solution :) It turned out how I'd pictured it so I'm happy. I made the underside of the shell blue because I like blue O.o and I wanted to use the same sort of yarn. You see I'm addicted to lion brand's cotton ease yarn, mostly because it doesn't fray and looks really nice when you finish. I find other kinds of yarn has lotsa fly aways. Problem is that cotton ease only comes in pastel-like colors... no bold black, blue, or red, and the green I used here in the turtle is the darkest they have. Oh well... ramble ramble.

Other than the turtle I also finished a Koala as a joke gift for a friend of my husband's who lives in Australia. So once I get the gumption to get out of the house and head to a post office I'll be sending this critter far far away o.o he better like it *L*

So yeah.... That is what I've been up to.... yep... uh huh.... That's all I can think of right now o.o so... bai bai!

Friday, March 21, 2008


FillER! *L* Okay okay, so I also finished a baby octopus and took a few more pictures of the guys I've already done. I need more color in my creations O.o too much blue *L*

Amigurumi penguin :)

So I think I'm gonna get my best friend addicted to this crochet thing too :P She's seen my modest collection of animals and squealed *L* I lent her my amigurumi world book :P

I've also taken a few more pictures :) So far most everyone says their favorite animal is the penguin I made *L* I think he's scary lookin' O.o

I made him before I'd been able to find 9mm safety eyes (all the craft store had was 18mm O.x;;)

Hoy vey

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

baby elephant

So I finished the baby elephant last night, it's so cute :) I figure I'll give the baby elephant to my cousin's baby, since I embroidered the eyes for safety reasons :)

So now I've crocheted a bunny, a penguin, a cat, and two elephants.... now whut? Well my husband suggested a kangaroo but I can't find a pattern I like... so perhaps I should just make one of my own... yus... so that is whut I shall doooooo...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Amigurumi elephant!!

Lookit! How cute! I purchased the pattern for this Elephant from Ana Paula's etsy store :) She's created my favorite patterns so far. I've also bought her book Amigurumi World, check it out :)

I <3 this crochet stuff :)

So one day I'm sitting on my couch, bored and listless, daydreaming about McDonalds and candy whilst my 21month old runs around screaming at the top of his little lungs. I needed a hobby. I'd crocheted before but I'd grown tired of blankets and hats. Heck I'd even made a crochet teddy bear but it came out ugly and kinda scary looking. So... I decided to look for something to do on the net... I quickly discovered amigurumi and all the awesome cuteness of proportionally incorrect animals :P Simple, quick, and undeniably cute, I found myself addicted from the first single crochet stitch. My husband thinks I'm crazy, my son keeps stealing my yarn, and I find my hands cramp up horribly after an hour or so, but.... I love it! I feel a special kind of pride and accomplishment I haven't felt since I was a teenager drawing pictures for my friends. Oh.. and they make great gifts :P

So..... I created this blog to record my various adventures in amigurumi :) I'll post pictures of my little friends and hopefully my addiction will rub off on a few people :P Enough that maybe the freakin' craft store might start carrying safety eyes for stuffed animals &*^&^$%$%^^ :P a heh heh