Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas and crochet ^-^;

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is going to have a Happy New Year :P I spent my Christmas with my family and after some egg nog and a few too many chocolates I'm back to my crocheting.

I haven't posted much in a while for the sake of keeping some of my Christmas presents a secret. Now that they've been shipped out I can go back to postin' ... yes... However that would require pictures and I neglected to take very many of the creations I shipped out :P a heh... Well I can tell you about a few of the awesome books I got my hands on this Christmas...:

Creepy Cute Crochet

Christen Haden

I made a few elder gods and sent them on their merry way in the form of key chains :P

I also broke down and finally bought

Amigurumi! Super Happy Crochet Cute Pattern Book

Amigurumi!: Super Happy Crochet Cute by Elisabeth Doherty

I'd been avoiding this book for a while as I'm not the hugest fan of her style (I dunno, something about the extra long arms and legs *L* I tend to like big heads and stubby lil' appendages LOL). It is, however, a good amigurumi book. She describes a lot of techniques well with a touch of humor. I don't like the way some of the patterns are written though. She makes me do math... I hate math LOL

My husband is great, I <3 him so much, he bought me some clover ergonomic crochet hooks for my birthday and gave me a $50 gift card to my fave craft store. I splurged to say the least... I'm fully stocked now... well for at least a month or two :P

So yeah... I was going to play some World of Warcraft and take a break from crochet but I think I want to work on some more dolls.... yus.... perhaps I'll just have a sprinkling of WoW... perhaps. :P I pay for the damn game I should at least play it once in a blue moon.

Alright, I'll stop babblin' and post more stuff soon... I uh... promise? :P

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