Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Amigurumi apple O.o;;

Yay apple! My first amigurumi made completely without touching any set of instructions :) simple but cuuuute! Lookit him smile mischievously... I had to make a granny smith apple because they're my fave :P *L*

So yeah, I'll write up a pattern for mr.apple here when I get the time/gumption to do so :P but I promise it is coming to a computer screen near you... eventually *L*

I'd also like to remind anyone who might read this that I am more than happy to take suggestions on what I should make next O.o I need ideas o.O


HawkZombie said...

you changed your layout o.O...I like this better, actually.

When are you gonna post the new bear? :P

Potato said...

I need this pattern.