Friday, April 25, 2008

Been a while :P

Sorry I don't have more pictures to put up right now. I've made a fishy, some happy poo, and I'm working on a hello kitty doll but I've been busy and I'm too tired to put up pictures right now :P

So yeah, I purchased some 'translated' hello kitty patterns. They're pretty bad ><; but with a lot of work I'm slowly deciphering them. I think I'd be better off just getting the japanese versions and translating them myself. I know how to read hirigana and katakana so I should be able to use and internet translator for the words I don't know O.o right? Meh *L* Ne-who....

I got a hamster for my son, his name is diego! So I think I'm gonna make a cute hamster once I'm done with hello kitty :)

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